Cast Announced for Murder On the Orient Express

Director Aleta Bowman is thrilled to announce the cast for Murder On the Orient Express.

Hercule Poirot… Ryan Driskill Monsieur Bouc… Riley Intemann Helen Hubbard… Ann Kirschner Brown Countess Andretti… Toni Ruiz Samuel Ratchett… Tony Bowman Princess Dragomiroff… Sheila Altland Colonel Arbuthnot… Ryan Houck Mary Debenham… Natalie Moore Houck Hector MacQueen… Gavin Houck Michel the Conductor… Jim Hull Greta Ohlsson… Shona Stermer

Extras and backstage helpers are: Isadora Enochs Chloe Houck Tracye Kelly

Ken Ludwig's clever adaptation of the Agatha Christie classic boasts all the glamour, intrigue and suspense of Dame Agatha's celebrated novel, with a healthy dose of humor to quicken the pace. Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. The passengers rely on detective Hercule Poirot to identify the murderer – in case he or she decides to strike again.

Join us on June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, and 12 for Murder On the Orient Express at Southwest Playhouse, Sixth and Nowahy.

This is the final show for our 55th Season at Southwest Playhouse, Inc.

#murderontheorientexpress #motoe #agathachristie #southwestplayhouse1965

Pictured Left to Right — Toni Ruiz, Ryan Driskill, Tracye Kelly, Shona Stermer, Riley Intemann, Ann Brown, Isadora Enochs, Ryan Houck, Natalie Houck, Chloe Houck, Gavin Houck, Tony Bowman

Not Pictured — Sheila Altland and Jim Hull